Applying with us is very easy

Simply complete your personal details below, then answer our questionnaire which is specific to this vacancy. Your answers to the questionnaire will enable us to process your application faster. At the very bottom of this page please upload your resume and a covering letter or supporting documents if relevant. We accept files in PDF, .doc or .docx formats, under 2MB.

You are applying for the position: Civil Contract Manager - Three Waters | Invercargill

Application Form (All fields are required)

1. Advertising Avenue:
Where did you hear about this position?

2. Residency :
Which option best describes your current residency status?

3. Drivers Licence:
Do you hold a current drivers license?

4. Experience:
How much experience do you have in the Civil/Roading industry?

5. Experience:
Do you have a relevant tertiary qualification for this role?

6. Experience:
Do you have W,T & R endorsements on your licence?

7. Best Fit:
Why do you think you are the best person for this role?

8. Experience:
Have you had any previous experience in a supervisory role or as a Foreperson?

9. Experience:
Please outline why this position appeals to you.

10. Health :
Do you have any disability or medical condition that would affect your ability to effectively carry out the tasks and responsibilities described in the job specification?

11. Health:
Do you have any disability or medical condition that would affect your ability to effectively carry out the tasks and responsibilities described in the job specification?

12. Injury:
Have you suffered any injury to your neck, shoulders or back? Please detail and mark the attached drawing (on the next page) accordingly.

13. Drug & Alcohol Testing:
The company has implemented a Drug & Alcohol Policy. Conditions as set out in this policy require that a pre-employment drug test be undertaken. If a negative result is returned employment may commence. The policy also states that ongoing tests may be requested under the following categories: post-accident/incident; just-cause and random testing. Do you agree to comply with the requirements of the company Drug & Alcohol Policy?

14. Criminal History:
Have you ever been convicted of any criminal offence, particularly relating to dishonesty, e.g., fraud, misappropriation of funds, within the last five years?

15. Declaration:
This information is being collected to enable H W Richardson Group to assess your suitability for this position and will be used for this purpose only. If you fail or refuse to provide the information requested, then your application may be rejected by H W Richardson Group. If you provide false or inaccurate information, this will be considered serious misconduct and may result in dismissal should you be employed by H W Richardson Group. Do you declare that to the best of your knowledge the information that you have provided is accurate and complete

File size limit: 2 MB. We accept .pdf, .doc and .docx.

File size limit: 2 MB. We accept .pdf, .doc and .docx.

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